September 6, 2011

And the search begins.


Since returning from my whirlwind journey through Europe, I have been battling post-travel depression, a serious case of jet lag, and the ever-looming reality check that my adult life has now officially begun. My first week home really shouldn't count as moments lived in reality, though. More like, a haze of exhaustion (and on that first Tuesday, alcohol, due to a friend's 21st birthday celebration at my local watering hole). My recovery period kept my worries of being jobless and seemingly without experience in most major career titles at bay. Isn't it nice how I seem to always find myself an excuse to prolong the inevitable? Welcome to the life of an anxious procrastinator.

And the search begins.

I have had a seasonal job in my hometown for the past six years. This job is somewhat comical in the sense that some (including myself) might call me a "carny". I am the kettle corn queen of Sonoma County. Two good family friends, and great businessman might I add, hired me as one of their kettle corn vendors back when I was in high school. Now, this job pays ridiculously well for how easy it is, and the pay is under the table. Plus, I get to munch on kettle corn whenever I want. Blessing and a curse, that one. I actually enjoy the work very much. Who is angry or rude when they are buying something so delicious? So, I have always gone back to this job when I can, and have created great report with my bosses. G is one of those bosses. He is a bar and nightclub owner as well as a Kettle Corn and Snow Cone extraordinaire. Since I enjoy working for him so much, I decided that I would ask him how he felt about me applying for a job at his nightclub, Chrome Lotus. He was open to the idea and offered me a spot as a cocktail waitress, and a bonus Kettle Corn gig my first weekend back from vacation. I was obviously not feeling one hundred percent, but I needed some cash, so I worked for him that weekend at a Seafood Festival in the nearby town of Bodega. After some consideration over the cocktailing job, I decided that my already wavering lack of patience for drunk people would not be of help to me, so I declined G's offer graciously.

I was feeling pretty beat this week as well due to lingering jet lag. Who knew it could be such a pain in the ass?? I used that lack of energy as an excuse to sit on my booty and occasionally search for jobs on craigslist. Results? Not really. But I wasn't trying very hard. My cushy couch under a free-of-rent roof wasn't signaling any fight or flight responses in the unemployed section of my brain. I had one more connection that had been trying to help me out all summer, my old softball coach. He was a master of the networking world, and he always had something up his sleeve for one of his ex-players. I think I was putting contacting him off because I knew he would have a very adult, very "worky" job for me. His networking consists mostly of sales, marketing, and other such ventures. I have never pictured myself in an office setting. I even felt confined in the cities we visited in Europe sometimes because there wasn't enough nature around. I know this quirk isn't very helpful in trying to get by in the "real world", but I decided a long time ago that I would never settle for a career that just payed my bills. I need something that will spark my creativity and passion and lust for life.

WAKE UP. Yes, I know I can't live out my dream career just yet. I realized what I needed to do earlier this week, and gave in to calling my coach. We finally got in contact tonight. And just like that, I have a job. It is not much in the line of pay, and that's just fine. The experience is crucial, and the work sounds interesting enough to keep me going and motivated. And it is in the best city in the world, San Francisco! :)

I have finally begun my journey through the reality phase of my college afterlife. Now I just have to prepare myself for my first homecoming as an alumni (Redlands Homecoming is a whooole 'nother story).

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